Henry Klein

Henry Klein, attorney, who has had his license suspended by the Louisiana Supreme Court for breaching professional conduct rules. He said he was fighting for his client, his partner's widow, to keep her inheritance from being foreclosed by "vulture funds" who bought her debt after the First NBC Bank collapse.

I come from a family that always fought hard for the little guy (or defrauded widows). The whole world knows FNBC loans were bought by predators who ruthlessly collect millions more than they paid. The biggest victims of the FNBC collapse are the customers who fell into the hand of the out-of-state companies who bought the loans the FDIC gave away for pennies, like in the days of the RTC. The Joe Landrieu family applauds Henry Klein, known to be a fighter for innocent victims of crime by the likes of FNBC. That's what good people do. 

There is something very wrong with this picture. 


New Orleans