
Anjanette Brown Johnson load a clip with ammunition during a concealed carry permit course lead by instructor Isaiah Stewart at The Shooter's Club in Harahan, La. Saturday, Jan. 16, 2021. (Photo by Max Becherer,, The Times-Picayune | The New Orleans Advocate)

The U.S. Constitution does not “grant” nor do Legislatures “enact” rights.

The Constitution guarantees and protects rights that predate the Constitution and are innate to the existence of a person. That is basic civics.

Likewise, rights, as opposed to privileges such as driver or floral business licenses, normally cannot be restricted by popular vote. The interpretations by the U.S. Supreme Court in the Heller, McDonald and Bruen cases, among others, clearly affirm that restrictions to our civil right to self-defense must meet strict criteria in order to survive judicial review.

The mantra and foundation of the political left’s propaganda on guns is that it is always the gun. It is never the fault of criminals nor the state/city prosecutors of the Democratically controlled cities who refuse to prosecute and jail the violent repeat offenders who commit most murders.

Per Alan Gottlieb of the Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms: “The idea of putting violent, repeat offenders in prison has always made more sense than penalizing law-abiding citizens who only want to exercise their constitutional rights.”

Penalizing the law-abiding with nonsensical and ineffective burdens will have no impact on the violent thugs committing most of our crimes.

Finally, there are those of us who are legitimately concerned that law-abiding citizens should be educated in the legal use of firearms in self-defense. Those opposed to gun ownership claim to want such training for gun owners also.

If they are so adamant about it, why aren’t they demanding that the government introduce such a curriculum in the required high school civics classes?

Why are they not demanding extensively available, free, firearms law and handling classes to adult citizens?

Short version: If you want educated citizens, then provide educational opportunities! Duh!



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